Mauritania, or officially known as the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country located in the west of the Continent of Africa. Its neighboring countries are the Western Sahara which was annexed by Morrocco and the Democratic Arab Republic of Sahara which unilaterally declared its independence by Polisario, Algeria, Mali, and Senegal. Apart from this, the Atlantic Ocean is located in the west of the country. The capital city of the country is Nouakchott.

Its estimated population was 4.403.313 in 2018.

Its official language is Arabic.

Website of Mauritania Embassy of the Republic of Turkey:

Website of Mauritania Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Turkey:

The services that we, as Nora Global Logistics, render with our expert team for Mauritania are as follows:

-Maritime Transport

-Airline Transport

-Door to Door Delivery Transportation


-Project Transportation